12 gallons of paint 9 gallons of paint

_______________ =_____________
8,329 ft2 1,240 ft2

I don't know what your question is here.


To solve this problem, you'll need to set up a proportion by comparing the gallons of paint to the area being painted.

Let's label the gallons of paint as "x":

12 gallons of paint / 8,329 ft^2 = 9 gallons of paint / 1,240 ft^2

To find the value of "x," we need to cross multiply:

12 gallons of paint * 1,240 ft^2 = 9 gallons of paint * 8,329 ft^2

14,880 gallons of paint * ft^2 = 74,961 gallons of paint * ft^2

Now, we can divide both sides of the equation by the number in front of the variable ("gallons of paint * ft^2") to isolate "x":

14,880 / 74,961 = x

x ≈ 0.198

Therefore, approximately 0.198 gallons of paint would be needed to paint an area of 8,329 ft^2 if 12 gallons of paint can paint an area of 1,240 ft^2.