what color is ICRAMMEDDU when you unscramble it???????

To unscramble the word "ICRAMMEDDU" and find out its color, we need to rearrange the letters to form a valid word. Let's do that step-by-step:

1. First, look for any familiar patterns or possible combinations of letters. In this case, we can observe that the word contains the letter "D" four times, suggesting that it might be part of a repeated sequence.

2. Taking this into consideration, we can start by arranging the letters:
- The repeated "D" suggests that it should be part of the word, potentially at the end.
- Let's try placing the first "D" at the end: "ICRAMMEDUDD".

3. Now, let's look for other recognizable sequences or words within the remaining letters: "ICRAMMEU".
- The sequence "ICRA" could potentially form the start of a word.

4. Examining the remaining letters, we can rearrange them to form another word:
- "ICRAMMEU" can be rearranged into "AMERICUM" or "CERIUM".
- Since we are looking for a color, "CERIUM" is more likely the correct word.

Therefore, when unscrambled, "ICRAMMEDDU" forms the word "CERIUM", which is a metallic element with a silvery-white color.