The cutoff "t" needed is -1.8333. The standard deviation of the distribution of means of change scores is 2.0 and the mean change score for the sample studied is an increase of 5.2.

What is the t score?

To calculate the t-score, you can use the following formula:

t = (mean - cutoff) / (standard deviation / square root of sample size)

Given the information provided, the mean is 5.2, the cutoff is -1.8333, and the standard deviation is 2.0. We don't have the sample size, so let's assume it is N.

t = (5.2 - (-1.8333)) / (2.0 / √N)

Simplifying further:

t = (5.2 + 1.8333) / (2.0 / √N)
t = 7.0333 / (2.0 / √N)
t = 7.0333 * (√N / 2.0)
t = (7.0333 * √N) / 2.0

Unfortunately, without knowing the sample size (N), we cannot determine the exact t-score.