the biology club budgeted $200 for their pancake breakfast. each meal costs $1.50 to prepare. write an inequality that represents the number of meals that can be prepared without going over the budget.



To write an inequality that represents the number of meals that can be prepared without going over the budget, we need to consider the budget of $200 and the cost of preparing each meal, which is $1.50.

Let's assume that the number of meals that can be prepared is represented by the variable "x".

The cost of preparing each meal is $1.50. So, to find the total cost of x meals, we multiply the cost per meal by the number of meals: $1.50 * x.

Now, since we want to make sure the total cost doesn't go over the budget of $200, we can write the inequality:

$1.50 * x ≤ $200

This inequality ensures that the total cost of the meals (1.50x) remains within the budget of $200.