what were the religious patterns in Egypt before Ahknaton

To understand the religious patterns in Egypt before Akhenaten, we need to learn about the ancient Egyptian religion and its evolution over time. Here's how you can explore this topic:

1. Start with general knowledge: Begin by familiarizing yourself with the basics of ancient Egyptian religion, which was polytheistic in nature. Research deities such as Osiris, Isis, Ra, and Amun, who were widely worshipped in ancient Egypt.

2. Study earlier periods: Look into the religious beliefs during the Old Kingdom (approximately 2686-2181 BCE) and the Middle Kingdom (approximately 2055-1650 BCE). During these periods, the Egyptians had a well-established religious tradition centered around the worship of gods associated with natural elements and a belief in the afterlife.

3. Investigate the New Kingdom: Explore the religious practices and beliefs during the New Kingdom (approximately 1550-1070 BCE). This period witnessed significant religious changes, especially during the reigns of Akhenaten and his immediate predecessors.

4. Research the pharaohs before Akhenaten: Before Akhenaten, pharaohs like Amenhotep III and his father, Thutmose IV, upheld the traditional religious practices and promoted the worship of Amun-Ra. Look into their reigns to understand the religious patterns and the influence of the priesthood.

5. Understand Akhenaten's religious reforms: Delve into the religious revolution carried out by Akhenaten during his reign (1353-1336 BCE). Akhenaten introduced a monotheistic cult focused on the worship of Aten, the god of the sun-disc. This drastic departure from traditional beliefs had a profound impact on Egyptian society, art, and religious practices of the time.

By following these steps, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the religious patterns in Egypt before Akhenaten and how his reign marked a significant transition in ancient Egyptian religious history.