My science teacher is really mean. And if I don't have the following questions done, I have a suspention! Please help!!

1) What discovery demonstrated that atoms are not the smallest particles?

2) Dalton did what to his theory that Democritus did not?

3) It is important for Thomson to repeat his experiment because why?


---Your friend,
Alexis Swisher.

2)It is the other way around. Democritus is an ancient greek philosopher. He didn't have any technology or knowledge that Danton had.

My science teacher is mean also.If i don't finish this test review

1.I get held back

2.I have to start 7th grade AGAIN! going to be grounded

Please please please help!


Hello Alexis! I'm sorry to hear that you're facing difficulties with your science teacher. I'll do my best to help you answer the questions so you can avoid a suspension.

1) To find out what discovery demonstrated that atoms are not the smallest particles, you can conduct research on the topic. A good starting point would be to search for experiments or scientific breakthroughs that led to the understanding that atoms are not the smallest particles. You can use search engines like Google or scientific databases to find relevant information. Look for experiments such as the discovery of subatomic particles like electrons, protons, and neutrons.

2) To answer the question about what Dalton did to his theory that Democritus did not, you need to compare the theories of John Dalton and Democritus. Start by researching the contributions and theories of these two scientists. Compare their ideas on the nature of matter, atoms, and the atomic theory itself. Look for differences in their explanations, concepts, or experimental evidence they provided to support their theories. This will help you identify what Dalton did differently compared to Democritus.

3) To understand why it was important for Thomson to repeat his experiment, you would need to research the specific experiment and context. In this case, you would likely be referring to J.J. Thomson's experiment on the discovery of electrons using a cathode ray tube. Research Thomson's experiment, the method he used, and the significance of his findings. By understanding the purpose and outcome of his experiment, you will be able to explain why repeating it was crucial for scientific validation or further investigation.

Remember, researching and understanding the concepts behind these questions will help you explain your answers better and demonstrate your knowledge to your science teacher. Good luck with your research, and I hope this helps you in completing your assignment!