It's more of a survery question where I need to ask people how they feel about advertising... Then write 250 words about it.

When an author (like on T.V., newspapers, magazines) uses the word 'you' throughout the article. Do you find the second person more stylistically satisfying?

No, I don't find use of the second person more stylistically satisfying.

Why don't you?

I don't either. It smacks of too-casual speech -- slang.

Why don't you?

I don't find the use of the second person satisfying for the same reasons as Writeacher. Plus, I can think of very few instances in the media where its use is necessary or effective.

English teachers discourage the word "you" in formal written works. However, in advertising it quite often used because the advertiser wants the listener to believe that he is talking directly to a specific person. YOU, the listener. That is the reason that much advertising is directed to YOU... to which I usually reply <G> Not I. <G>

To gather information for your survey question about how people feel about advertising, you can conduct a survey using various methods such as online questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, or even social media polls. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this:

1. Define your target audience: Determine the group of people you want to survey. Consider factors such as age, gender, occupation, interests, and demographics to ensure a diverse sample.

2. Choose a survey method: Decide on the most appropriate method to conduct your survey. Online questionnaires are cost-effective and allow for a large sample size, while face-to-face interviews may provide more in-depth responses.

3. Design your questionnaire: Develop a set of questions that examine people's attitudes and feelings towards advertising. Ensure the questions are clear, concise, and unbiased. Include both closed-ended questions (e.g., multiple-choice, rating scales) and open-ended questions to gather qualitative insights.

4. Pilot test your questionnaire: Before distributing your survey, carry out a small-scale pilot test to identify any potential issues with question wording, response options, or survey layout. This step will help you refine the questionnaire for maximum clarity and effectiveness.

5. Distribute the survey: Utilize different channels to reach your target audience efficiently. Consider sharing the survey on online platforms like social media, email it to selected recipients, or conduct face-to-face interviews at public places or events.

6. Analyze the data: Once you've collected a sufficient number of responses, analyze the data to identify trends and patterns. Utilize statistical tools or software to analyze quantitative data, and carefully review and categorize qualitative responses.

Now, regarding the stylistic satisfaction of using the second person (i.e., "you") in writing, it can create a more direct and engaging tone with the reader. Addressing the audience directly can make the content more relatable and personal. However, its effectiveness may vary based on the context, target audience, and purpose of the writing. It's essential to consider the intended effect when selecting a stylistic approach.

In conclusion, by following the steps mentioned above, you can gather valuable insights on how people feel about advertising to construct a 250-word analysis. Ensure to summarize the survey findings, highlight any significant trends or patterns, and provide a balanced perspective by considering both positive and negative viewpoints.