I am stumped on this one.

Amontg bryophytes, which of the following contain distinct stemlike axis, small leaves, and rootlike rhizoids?

a. cycads
b. liverworts
c. mosses
d. hornworts
e. algae

I am leaning towards mosses, but I'm really not sure.

To determine which of the options among cycads, liverworts, mosses, hornworts, and algae contains distinct stemlike axis, small leaves, and rootlike rhizoids, we can break down the characteristics of each option and compare them to those of bryophytes.

Cycads are gymnosperms, which are seed-producing plants, and they have true stems and leaves. But their stems are not typically stemlike axis with small leaves, and they do not possess rhizoids. So, cycads can be eliminated as a choice.

Algae are a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms that can be found in various environments, including water. Although some algae may have structures resembling stemlike axis, small leaves, and rootlike rhizoids, they are not considered bryophytes. Therefore, algae can also be eliminated as a choice.

Liverworts, mosses, and hornworts are the three main groups of bryophytes.

Liverworts typically have flat, lobed or ribbon-like structures, and they lack distinct stemlike axis and leaves. Instead, they have thallus-like structures. While they do possess rhizoids, they do not fulfill the requirement of having distinct stemlike axis and small leaves. Therefore, liverworts can be eliminated as a choice.

Hornworts are another group of bryophytes. They have a simple, elongated sporophyte structure. However, like liverworts, they lack the distinct stemlike axis and small leaves characteristic of the option we are looking for. Therefore, hornworts can also be eliminated.

This leaves us with mosses as the remaining option. Mosses have distinct stemlike axis, which are called "stems." They also have small, scale-like leaves attached to these stems. Additionally, mosses possess rootlike structures called rhizoids, which help anchor them to the substrate and absorb water and nutrients. Therefore, mosses fulfill all the criteria mentioned in the question.

In conclusion, among the given options, the choice that contains distinct stemlike axis, small leaves, and rootlike rhizoids is c. mosses.