______ stories seemed unbelievable.

Is it
A. Survivors
B. Survivor's
C. Survivors'
D. survivors's
Is it b. Survivor's

Correct. B.

That depends on how many survivors you're referring to.

B is correct if there is one survivor.
C is correct if there are two or more survivors.

Which makes sense the way this sentence is phrased?

Survivors is plural -- so b is not correct.

Why does b become not correct just because it is plural?

What happend yo the ship

Actually, the correct answer is A. Survivors.

To determine the correct choice, we need to analyze the sentence. The word "stories" is a plural noun, and we want to indicate possession or ownership. Since we are referring to the stories belonging to multiple survivors, the plural possessive form "Survivors'" can be eliminated.

Next, we are left with three choices: A. Survivors, B. Survivor's, and D. survivors's.

Option B, Survivor's, is incorrect because it indicates the possessive form of a singular survivor. Since the sentence mentions multiple survivors, this option can be ruled out.

Option D, survivors's, is also incorrect because it suggests a plural possessive form followed by another possessive marker. This is redundant and not grammatically correct.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Survivors, which is the plural form of the noun without any possessive marker.