Some critics have claimed that seeds of the courtly manner later to flower in the concept of knighthood in Middle English period are already apparent in Anglo-Saxon literature.

What the items that support the claim above?

I read this question while I was reading Beowulf...Can anyone help me with this? Please >"<

In Beowulf, how did the younger men act toward the older men, especially the leader(s)?

In Beowulf, how did the men treat the women?

In Beowulf, did anyone run away from a fight or a battle?
Read about chivalry (the chivalric code) and see what you find that is already exhibited by the characters in Beowulf.

Certainly! To support the claim that the seeds of the courtly manner, which later developed into the concept of knighthood in the Middle English period, can be found in Anglo-Saxon literature, you can look for specific examples and literary elements that suggest a code of conduct, ideals of chivalry, or noble qualities in characters.

1. Code of Conduct: Explore whether characters in Anglo-Saxon literature adhere to a code of conduct similar to that of knighthood in the Middle English period. Look for instances where characters display honor, loyalty, courage, and a sense of duty. For example, in Beowulf, the eponymous hero demonstrates these qualities in his battles against Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon.

2. Ideals of Chivalry: Examine if Anglo-Saxon literature showcases ideals that align with the chivalric code of the Middle English period. These ideals include courtly love, devotion to a lady, and valuing honor above all. Check if any characters in the Anglo-Saxon texts possess these traits or engage in behaviors associated with courtly love.

3. Noble Qualities: Look for traits commonly associated with knights, such as generosity, bravery, humility, and self-control. Identify any characters in the Anglo-Saxon literature who exhibit these qualities, demonstrating a precursor to the knighthood concept. For instance, in "The Wanderer," the anguished warrior displays stoicism and perseverance.

As you study Anglo-Saxon literature, analyze the actions, dialogues, and motivations of characters to determine if they foreshadow the courtly manner later found in the concept of knighthood during the Middle English period. Remember to cite specific examples from the texts to support your claim.