a museum curator has 203 wildlife photographs. she wants to display them in groups of 8. how many groups of 8 can she make? the answer is 25 r3 but i want to know if i drop the remainder,tell whats left over or increase the quotient by one.

To find the number of groups of 8 that the museum curator can make with 203 photographs, we can divide the total number of photographs by 8.

203 ÷ 8 = 25.375

When we divide 203 by 8, we get a quotient of 25.375.

So, if we drop the remainder, we would have 25 groups of 8 photographs.

If we want to know what's left over after making 25 groups of 8, we can calculate the remainder.

To find the remainder, we can subtract the product of the quotient and the divisor (in this case, 25 x 8) from the original number of photographs.

203 - (25 x 8) = 203 - 200 = 3

So, there are 3 photographs left over after making 25 groups of 8.

If we want to increase the quotient by one and find the total number of groups including the remaining photographs, we would add one to the quotient.

25 + 1 = 26

Therefore, if we increase the quotient by one, the museum curator can make a total of 26 groups of 8, including the remaining 3 photographs.