can anyone help me step for step to better understand how to simplify thisa problem or others of this nature.


I do not recognize your " �ã " symbol.

Do you mean sqrt(2t^5)* sqrt(10t^4) ?

That would be sqrt(20t^9)= 2sqrt(5t^9)
= 2t^4*sqrt(5t)

this would be under my multiplying and simlifying radicals

That does not help me understand your �ã symbols

Of course, I can help you step by step in simplifying the given expression: �ã2t^5 * �ã10t^4.

Step 1: Begin by simplifying the square roots separately.
The square root of 2 can't be simplified further, so we keep it as �ã2.

Step 2: Next, focus on simplifying the variable terms. Multiply the variables (t^5 * t^4) and add their exponents.
t^5 * t^4 = t^(5+4) = t^9

Step 3: Now, combine the simplified square root and variable terms:
�ã2t^5 * �ã10t^4 = �ã2 * t^9 * �ã10

Step 4: Finally, multiply the numbers outside the square root:
�ã2 * �ã10 = �ã(2 * 10) = �ã(20)

Step 5: The simplified expression is �ã(20) * t^9.

It's important to note that the square root of 20 cannot be simplified further because it does not have any perfect square factors. Therefore, the expression �ã(20) * t^9 is the final simplified form.