Consider the box-and-whisker graphs shown. They suggest that a U.S. Department of Agriculture study shows that poultry dogs have fewer calories per dogthan either beef dogs or meat dogs. Yet, one dietitian claims that some hot dogs made of poultry have 150% of the calories of some hot dogs made of beef. Can this claim be correct? Explain.

The graph shows Both beef and meat have 150 calories and poultry has 130 calories
the graph shows ranges. The meat hot dogs can go up to 195 calories while the lowest for the poultry can be only 85 calories. Is 195 calories 150% more calories then 85?

Does 1.5 (150%) times 85 = 195?

It is not fair, accurate or scientific to compare the minimum in the range of one category with the maximum or mean of another.

The term, "some," is very vague. Scientific data needs to be more specific.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To determine whether the dietitian's claim is correct, we need to compare the calorie content of hot dogs made of poultry and hot dogs made of beef.

According to the box-and-whisker graphs, the range for beef hot dogs is from approximately 85 calories to 195 calories. On the other hand, the range for poultry hot dogs is from approximately 85 calories to 130 calories.

To calculate the claim of 150% more calories, we need to find out what 150% of 85 is.

To do this, we can use the formula:

(Percentage increase / 100) * Original Value = Increase
Original Value + Increase = New Value

In this case, the original value is 85 calories, and we want to find the 150% increase.

(150 / 100) * 85 = 127.5

So, if we add 127.5 calories to the original 85 calories, we get a new value of approximately 212.5 calories.

From the box-and-whisker graphs, we can see that the maximum calorie count for beef hot dogs is 195 calories, which is lower than the calculated 212.5 calories.

Therefore, based on the information provided by the graphs, the claim that some poultry hot dogs have 150% more calories than some beef hot dogs cannot be correct.