question: find the points at which the graph of x^2 -4x + y62 -6y =12 has a vertical or horizontal tangent line.

I found the deriviative to be (x-2)/(3-y)

Then, the x value for a horizontal would be x=2 and the y value for a vertical would be y=3.

But how do i find the exact points. My teacher gave me these answers

Horizontal tangent at (2,8) and (2,-2)
Vertical tangent at (7,3) and (-3,3)

But i don't understand how she got those points. can someone show me?


You've done the hard part, so you're probably just over-thinking it! :-)

When x=2, plug 2 into that equation of the circle, and what do you get?

x^2 -4x + y^2 -6y =12

4 - 8 + y^2 -6y = 12

y^2 -6y -16 = 0

and solve for y.

Same method works for getting the points where y=3.

To find the exact points where a graph has a horizontal or vertical tangent line, we need to equate the derivative to zero and solve for the corresponding variables.

1. Horizontal Tangent Lines:
For a horizontal tangent line, the derivative of the function with respect to y should be zero because the tangent line will have a slope of zero.

Derivative with respect to y (dy/dx):
(x-2)/(3-y) = 0

Since the denominator can't be zero, we set the numerator to zero:
x - 2 = 0
x = 2

Now we substitute the value of x back into the original equation to find the corresponding y-values.
x^2 - 4x + y^2 - 6y = 12

(2)^2 - 4(2) + y^2 - 6y = 12
4 - 8 + y^2 - 6y = 12
y^2 - 6y - 16 = 0

Factor the quadratic equation:
(y - 8)(y + 2) = 0

From this, we get two possible y-values: y = 8 or y = -2.

Therefore, the points where the graph has a horizontal tangent line are (2, 8) and (2, -2).

2. Vertical Tangent Lines:
For a vertical tangent line, the derivative of the function with respect to x should be undefined because the tangent line will have an infinite slope.

Derivative with respect to x (dy/dx):
(x-2)/(3-y) = undefined (denominator is 0)

For the denominator to be zero, 3 - y = 0.
y = 3

Now we substitute the value of y back into the original equation to find the corresponding x-values.
x^2 - 4x + y^2 - 6y = 12

x^2 - 4x + (3)^2 - 6(3) = 12
x^2 - 4x + 9 - 18 = 12
x^2 - 4x - 6 = 0

Using the quadratic formula, we find the solutions for x:
x = (4 ± √(16 + 24)) / 2
x = (4 ± √(40)) / 2
x = (4 ± 2√10) / 2
x = 2 ± √10

Therefore, the points where the graph has a vertical tangent line are (2 + √10, 3) and (2 - √10, 3).

In summary, the exact points where the graph of x^2 - 4x + y^2 - 6y = 12 has a horizontal tangent line are (2, 8) and (2, -2), while the points where it has a vertical tangent line are (2 + √10, 3) and (2 - √10, 3).