would 5 trees be a solution to the inequalit inpart b

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We do not have part B. Please repost with adequate information.

To determine if 5 trees would be a solution to an inequality (specifically in part b of a problem), we would need more context and information about the specific inequality being referred to. Without knowing the details of the inequality or the problem being discussed, it is not possible to determine if 5 trees would be a valid solution.

However, in general, to check if a given value satisfies an inequality, follow these steps:

1. Write down the inequality and the given value. For example, if the inequality is "2x + 3 > 10" and you want to check if x = 5 is a solution.

2. Substitute the given value into the inequality. Replace the variable (in this case, x) with the given value (in this case, 5). Perform any necessary calculations.

Using the example, substitute x = 5 into the inequality:

2(5) + 3 > 10
10 + 3 > 10
13 > 10

3. Evaluate the inequality to determine if it is true or false. In this case, the inequality 13 > 10 is true. Therefore, x = 5 satisfies the given inequality.

Remember that the process may vary depending on the specific inequality and its form. It's important to carefully follow the steps provided in the problem or the instructions given.