i had to write a paper on the following:

details that show the impact of the problem (effects) on jack ruth and the company
section 2
the steps needed to change the situation
reason to implement each step, including the benefits to your employees, your supervisor, and the company
information about your role in the change

This is what i have:

During the last past three weeks problems that were work-related brought about a particular scenario which involved Jessica Hilo who took a medical leave. This happening caused Ralph and Frank to take over her duties, which concluded in an unbalanced work flow. Frank bellyached about Ruth’s lack of excellence in her work flow, and her insistence on working overtime twice a month was costing the company additional money. Meanwhile Jack did not have enough work to do, and this resulted in his being chronically tardy at least two times a week. Although he worked with the essence of professional qualities, his lateness cast a dark light on his work profile.
Employees working together becomes a requirement for a good work ethic. I would like to offer some brainstorming suggestions that will result in a smooth running task oriented office. First, all work should be equally distributed among personnel. Instead of allowing Jessica’s work load to be completed by Ralph and Frank, let Jack, and Ralph, and the full time assistants temporarily take up the slack. When it is concluded that Jessica won’t be returning to work, we will hire someone to take her place. This will stop the stress that has been straining Ruth’s yield, and her work performance will greatly improve. Finally, Jack will not be required to do the extra work, and his presence will be noticed with no shadow of lateness.

1. Get rid of all passive verbs; make them active.


2. Go through and straighten out your word choice. You have mixed some rather formal phrasing, some jargon, and some slang. You need to decide what you're writing: a formal paper or an informal paper. Then adjust your word choice (vocabulary) to fit.

3. Make sure the point of view is consistent. I see only 3rd person POV in the first paragraph, and a mix of 1st singular, 1st plural, and 3rd plural in the second paragraph.

Then follow the guidelines here:

After you've done all that and rewritten your paper, re-post.

repost to above question, is my grammar ok and do the paragraph sound ok.

repost to above question, is my grammar ok and do the paragraph sound ok. sorry, i forgot to put corrects in.

Here are the corrections:

During the last past three weeks problems that were work-related brought about a particular scenario which involved Jessica Hilo who took a medical leave. This happening caused Ralph and Frank to take over her duties, which concluded in an unbalanced work flow. Frank bellyached about Ruth’s lack of excellence in her work flow, and her insistence on working overtime twice a month was costing the company additional money. Meanwhile Jack did not have enough work to do, and this resulted in his being chronically tardy at least two times a week. Although he worked with the essence of professional qualities, his lateness cast a dark light on his work profile.
Employees working together becomes a requirement for a good work ethic. I would like to offer some brainstorming suggestions that will result in a smooth running task oriented office. First, all work should be equally distributed among personnel. Instead of allowing Jessica’s work load to be completed by Ralph and Frank, let Jack, and Ralph, and the full time assistants temporarily take up the slack. When it is concluded that Jessica won’t be returning to work, we will hire someone to take her place. This will stop the stress that has been straining Ruth’s yield, and her work performance will greatly improve. Finally, Jack will not be required to do the extra work, and his presence will be noticed with no shadow of lateness.

this is the repost to my english homework could u please tell me that it's ok?

this what i got:

For the past three months work-related problems have occurred, causing conflicts between co-workers. The ongoing problems require attention, so we can better assist our daily clients.
The in-office situation came about a month after Jessica Hilo took a medical leave. During this time, Ralph and Frank were temporarily assigned her duties, resulting in an unequal balanced work flow. Frank has complained about Ruth’s poor quality in work, and I have noticed that she is working overtime at least twice a month, which costs the company additional money. On the other hand, Jack frequently has little work to do, but always completes his work professionally. Ralph has an assistant that works full-time, and Frank’s assistant only works fifteen hours a week.
To be successful the company needs teamwork. I do not fee that the co-workers are performing daily office tasks as well as they can and would like to offer some suggestions. I feel we should equally balance the work flow. Instead of assigning Jessica’s work to Ralph and Frank, let Jack, Ralph and the full-time assistant temporarily take up the slack. When it is determined that Jessica isn’t coming back to work; hire someone to take her place.

To further develop your paper, here's an explanation of how you can address each of the sections you mentioned:

Section 2: Details that show the impact of the problem on Jack, Ruth, and the company
- Start by outlining the specific effects of the problem on each individual. For example, you can mention how Ruth's workload has increased to a point where her performance and productivity have been affected negatively. Additionally, discuss how Jack's insufficient workload has led to his chronic lateness, which reflects poorly on his work profile.
- Next, provide specific examples or incidents that highlight the impact of the problem. Focus on quantifiable data or observable evidence that demonstrates the negative consequences of the problem on each person and the overall functioning of the company.
- Include quotes or testimonials if possible, to add credibility and support your claims. These could be statements from Jack or Ruth expressing their frustration or stress caused by the situation.

Steps needed to change the situation:
- Begin by outlining the steps in a clear and logical order. For example:
1. Distribute work equally among personnel: Explain how assigning Jessica's workload to multiple individuals temporarily will distribute the burden and help maintain a balanced work environment.
2. Hire a replacement for Jessica: Discuss the need to find a suitable replacement to permanently fill the workload gap, reducing pressure on the other employees and improving efficiency.
- For each step, explain the reasoning behind it. Focus on the benefits it would bring to all stakeholders involved, including employees, supervisors, and the company as a whole.
- Provide supporting evidence or examples of how implementing each step will address the problem and improve the current situation. This could include improved work-life balance for employees, increased productivity, reduced stress levels, and better overall performance.

Information about your role in the change:
- Conclude the section by discussing your role in initiating and implementing these steps for change.
- Explain your position or responsibilities within the company and how you have recognized the need for a solution to the problem.
- Detail any actions you have taken or plan to take to drive this change, such as organizing meetings or discussions with relevant stakeholders, collaborating with HR to hire a replacement, or proposing and advocating for these steps to be implemented.
- Highlight how your involvement will contribute to a positive outcome and the overall success of the company.

By following this structure, you can develop your paper to present a comprehensive understanding of the problem, the steps needed to address it, and the benefits that these changes would bring to all parties involved.