in order to achieve maximum results from aerobic exercise should maintain one's heart rat at a certain level. a 30 year oldwoman with a resting heart rate of 65beats per minute, should keep her heart rate between 140 and 165 beats per minute while exercising. She checks her pulse for 10 sec while exercising. What should the number of beats be?

10 seconds is 1/6 of a minute (60 seconds). Therefore you need to divide the beats/minute by 6.

To calculate the number of beats per 10 seconds, we need to determine the target heart rate range for the 30-year-old woman.

First, we need to find her maximum heart rate (MHR) using the formula: MHR = 220 - Age.

For the woman, her MHR would be: 220 - 30 = 190 beats per minute.

Next, we determine the target heart rate range, which should be between 60-85% of the maximum heart rate.

Lower Limit: 60% of MHR = 0.6 * 190 = 114 beats per minute.
Upper Limit: 85% of MHR = 0.85 * 190 = 161.5 beats per minute.

Therefore, during exercise, her heart rate should be between 114 and 161.5 beats per minute.

To find the number of beats per 10 seconds, we can divide the target heart rate range by 6 (as there are 6 ten-second intervals in a minute).

Lower Limit: 114 / 6 = 19 beats per 10 seconds.
Upper Limit: 161.5 / 6 = 26.92 beats per 10 seconds.

So, the number of beats in 10 seconds should be between 19 and 27 beats while she is exercising to ensure she stays within her target heart rate range.