what states would you pass through if you wanted to travel by car from texas to California using the shortest route?


To determine the states you would pass through while traveling by car from Texas to California using the shortest route, you can follow these steps:

1. Look up the starting point (Texas) and the destination (California) on a map or a navigation app.
2. Identify the main highways or interstates that connect the two locations. In this case, typically, Interstate 10 (I-10) is the most direct route.
3. Trace the route along I-10 from Texas to California on the map.
4. Identify the states that lie on the path of I-10 between Texas and California.

The states you would pass through while traveling from Texas to California using the shortest route (along I-10) are:

- Texas
- New Mexico
- Arizona
- California

Please note that this is a general route, and depending on your starting point within Texas and your specific destination within California, there might be slight variations in the exact path.


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