The Population of a town increased by 80% in 5 years. If the population is currently 18,000, find the population of this town 5 years agao. (Round to the nearest whole, if necessary).

please send formula of this equation

Let X be the population 5 years ago.

X*(1.8) = 18,000
X = 10,000

Where does the 1.8x come from? Can you break that down?

To find the population of the town 5 years ago, we need to calculate what the population was before it increased by 80% in the span of 5 years.

Let's denote the population 5 years ago as P. We know that the population increased by 80% in 5 years, which means the current population is equal to 100% + 80% = 180% of the population 5 years ago.

So we can set up the equation:

180% = P

To solve for P, we can divide both sides of the equation by 180%:

P = 180% / 100% * (currently 18,000)

Now we can substitute the current population value into the equation and solve for P:

P = 180% / 100% * (18,000)

P = 1.8 * 18,000

P = 32,400

Therefore, the population of the town 5 years ago was approximately 32,400.

Let x = the original population of the town.

1.8x = 18,000