solve for x

10000 = 2500(1.0425)^3 + X(1.0425)^2 + 3500(1.0425)^

To solve for x in the equation:

10000 = 2500(1.0425)^3 + X(1.0425)^2 + 3500(1.0425)

we can simplify the equation by performing the calculations first.

Step 1: Evaluate the exponential terms.
(1.0425)^3 ≈ 1.130956609
(1.0425)^2 ≈ 1.086020313

Step 2: Substitute the values back into the equation:
10000 = 2500(1.130956609) + X(1.086020313) + 3500(1.0425)

Step 3: Simplify the equation:
10000 = 2827.3915225 + 1.086020313X + 3643.75

Step 4: Combine like terms:
10000 = 6471.1415225 + 1.086020313X

Step 5: Move the constant term to the other side of the equation:
10000 - 6471.1415225 = 1.086020313X

Step 6: Solve for X by dividing both sides of the equation by 1.086020313:
(10000 - 6471.1415225) / 1.086020313 = X

Step 7: Use a calculator to perform the calculation:
(3528.8584775) / 1.086020313 ≈ 3246.11074789

Therefore, x ≈ 3246.11074789