In this activity, you can replicate Sternberg et al.'s initial study by having your students list behaviors that are associated with academic and everyday intelligence. Ask your students to take out two sheets of paper. Tell them to label the first sheet "academic intelligence" and explain that they will have 5 minutes to list all of the behaviors that they can think of that are characteristic of academic intelligence. After completing this list, have them put this sheet aside. Now tell them to label the second sheet "everyday intelligence" and ask them to list behaviors that are characteristic of this type of intelligence. Instruct them not to go back to the previously completed list. After completing the exercise, ask your students to share some of the behaviors that they listed for each category. You can relate their responses to those reported by Sternberg and his colleagues and use their responses to stimulate discussion about the definition and measurement of intelligence.

Please let us know what your homework question is and your first ideas about answering it. Then someone here will be happy to critique your work.


The homework question seems to involve replicating Sternberg et al.'s initial study on academic and everyday intelligence. The task is to have students list behaviors associated with each type of intelligence and then compare their responses to those reported by Sternberg and his colleagues.

To answer the question, you would need to guide students through the activity described and then analyze their responses. Here are the steps you can take:

1. Start by explaining the purpose of the activity to the students - replicating Sternberg et al.'s study to explore the characteristics of academic and everyday intelligence.

2. Instruct the students to take out two sheets of paper. Ask them to label the first sheet as "academic intelligence" and the second sheet as "everyday intelligence."

3. Set a time limit, such as 5 minutes, for the students to list all the behaviors they can think of associated with academic intelligence on the first sheet. Tell them to focus on behaviors that are characteristic of academic success or intellectual abilities in educational settings.

4. Once the time is up, ask the students to put the first sheet aside and label the second sheet as "everyday intelligence." Instruct them to list behaviors that are characteristic of intelligence in everyday life situations, outside of academic settings. Remind them not to refer back to the first list.

5. After the students complete the exercise, ask them to share some of the behaviors they listed for each category. Encourage discussion and exploration of different perspectives and definitions of intelligence.

6. Compare the students' responses to those reported by Sternberg and his colleagues. This can be done by looking at the similarities and differences between the two sets of lists. Discuss the range of behaviors that emerged and how they relate to the broader concept of intelligence.

7. Use the students' responses to stimulate discussion on the definition and measurement of intelligence. Talk about how different behaviors might be valued differently in academic and everyday contexts and how individual strengths may manifest in various ways.

By following these steps, you can replicate Sternberg et al.'s initial study, gather the students' responses, and analyze them in the context of the discussion on intelligence.