I have a problem and I would like to know how to work out the problem to get the answer.

Write an algebraic expression for each phrase
product of m and n -2
What are the steps in working this out?

product means "result to a multiplication"

So, "product of m and n -2 " would be

To write an algebraic expression for the phrase "the product of m and n - 2," you need to follow a few steps:

1. Identify the operation: The phrase mentions the word "product," which indicates multiplication.

2. Assign variables: Assign variables to the quantities being multiplied. In this case, the variables would be m and n.

3. Write the expression: Multiply the variables by each other and subtract 2. The algebraic expression would be m * n - 2.

So, the algebraic expression for the given phrase is m * n - 2.