Answer the following questions about a new employee training program for the position you selected for your final project:

o Needs assessment: What types of issues might indicate a need for training? From what sources would these issues be identified? If you were a training manager, how would you prioritize training needs from these sources?

· A supervisor requests training on the specialized technology required by five of his employees.
· The customer service manager reports a sudden increase in calls about poor handling of repeat complaint calls.
· The CEO requests team efficiency training to address the declining numbers of employees attending quarterly pep rallies.

o Delivery: Identify the best method to conduct this training. Is a certification exam required? Will the training be instructor-led, self-paced, or a combination? Explain your answer.

Focusing on delivery considerations, would you use the same methods and requirements for the position directly above this job and the position directly subordinate to the job? Explain your answer.

o Evaluation: How will you evaluate the effectiveness of the training in terms of organizational objectives and limitations?

The problem that I am having is that I cannot find much information about a Human Resource Generalist in the medical field. As much as I research the only thing that I can find are available job positions. So how do I answer these questions without being able to locate information about this position and not positions to apply for?
Please help me!...
Thank you

This is the best source I know for job descriptions.

I understand that you are having difficulty finding specific information about a Human Resource Generalist in the medical field. Since you are unable to locate sufficient information about this particular position, I will provide you with some guidance on how you can approach answering the questions in a more general way.

1. Needs assessment:
In general, issues that might indicate a need for training can vary depending on the specific job and industry. However, some common indicators of training needs include:
- Performance deficiencies or skill gaps identified by supervisors or managers.
- Increased customer complaints or negative feedback about specific aspects of the job.
- Requests for specific training from employees or their supervisors.
- Changes in technology or processes that require employees to acquire new skills.

Sources for identifying these issues can include:
- Employee feedback through surveys or focus groups.
- Supervisors or managers who observe performance gaps or receive specific training requests.
- Customer complaints or feedback.
- Performance data or metrics that indicate a decrease in productivity or quality.

As a training manager, you would prioritize training needs by considering factors such as the impact on overall business goals, the urgency of the need, and the feasibility of providing the training.

2. Delivery:
The best method for conducting training would depend on various factors such as the nature of the training content, the number of employees to be trained, available resources, and time constraints. Certification exams may be required for certain positions that require specialized knowledge or skills.

The training delivery method can range from instructor-led, self-paced, or a combination of both (blended learning). For example, if the training content requires hands-on practice or demonstration, instructor-led training might be suitable. On the other hand, self-paced online modules could be appropriate for theoretical or knowledge-based training.

When considering the same methods and requirements for positions directly above and below the job, you would need to evaluate the specific needs and responsibilities of each position. While there may be some overlap in training requirements, it is important to tailor the training to the unique aspects of each role.

3. Evaluation:
To evaluate the effectiveness of the training in terms of organizational objectives and limitations, you can consider several methods:
- Pre and post-training assessments to measure the increase in knowledge or skills.
- Observations of employees' performance on the job.
- Surveys or feedback from participants about their perception and satisfaction with the training.
- Evaluation of key performance indicators or metrics related to the training objectives.

It is essential to align the evaluation criteria with organizational goals and objectives. The assessment should focus on indicators that demonstrate the impact of the training on improving performance or addressing the identified issues.

Please note that the information provided above is general guidance and may not align precisely with the specific requirements or characteristics of a Human Resource Generalist in the medical field. If possible, consider reaching out to professionals in the field or consulting HR resources specific to the medical industry to gather more detailed information.