i need help translating this sentance to latin..

"six safe and favorable slaves were standing under their healthy statues and always satisfied the opinion of the cruel syracusans with wisdom"

First of all, make sure the sentence makes sense!!

six safe and favorable slaves = ??

under their healthy statues??

go away

To translate the given sentence to Latin, there are several steps you can follow:

Step 1: Divide the sentence into smaller sections.
"Six safe and favorable slaves"
"were standing"
"under their healthy statues"
"and always satisfied the opinion"
"of the cruel Syracusans"
"with wisdom"

Step 2: Translate each section individually.

- "Six safe and favorable slaves" can be translated as "Sex servi incolumes et favorevolis."
- "Were standing" can be translated as "Stabant."
- "Under their healthy statues" can be translated as "Sub statuis sanis suis."
- "And always satisfied the opinion" can be translated as "Et semper placuerunt opinioni."
- "Of the cruel Syracusans" can be translated as "Cruentorum Syracusanorum."
- "With wisdom" can be translated as "Sapientia."

Step 3: Combine the translations to form the complete sentence.
"Sex servi incolumes et favorevolis stabant sub statuis sanis suis et semper placuerunt opinioni cruentorum Syracusanorum sapientia."

Please note that this translation is based on the information provided, and translations can vary depending on the context or desired style.