A 1 g grasshopper and a 0.1 g cricket leap vertically into the air with the same initial speed in the absence of air which of the following statements must be true? (more than one statement may be true)

A) the grasshopper goes 10 times as high as the cricket.
B) Both will reach the same height
C) at the highest point, both will have the same amount of gravitational potential energy relative to the ground.
D) at the highest point, the gravitational potential energy for the grasshopper will be 10 times as great as that for the cricket.
E) the grasshopper and the cricket have the same initial kinetic energy.

I need to explain my answers too.
thank you.

What do you think is true?

i think it wouldn't matter that they have different masses, both will have the same kinetic energy energy. and they will have the same height. and i think C) too is correct but i'm not sure could some one tell me if i'm right or wrong?

i know it will not be A) or D)

To answer this question, we need to understand the principle of conservation of mechanical energy. In the absence of air resistance, the total mechanical energy (sum of kinetic and potential energy) of an object remains constant throughout its motion.

Let's go through each statement and determine if it is true or false.

A) The grasshopper goes 10 times as high as the cricket.
Explanation: The initial speed of both the grasshopper and the cricket is the same. Since both objects have the same initial kinetic energy, and the total mechanical energy remains constant, the maximum potential energy reached by each object will be the same. So, statement A is false.

B) Both will reach the same height.
Explanation: As mentioned earlier, the total mechanical energy remains constant throughout the motion of both objects. This means that both the grasshopper and the cricket will reach the same maximum height. So, statement B is true.

C) At the highest point, both will have the same amount of gravitational potential energy relative to the ground.
Explanation: When an object reaches its highest point, its velocity becomes zero. At this point, all of its initial kinetic energy has been converted into potential energy. Since both the grasshopper and the cricket have the same maximum height, their potential energies at that point will also be the same. Thus, statement C is true.

D) At the highest point, the gravitational potential energy for the grasshopper will be 10 times as great as that for the cricket.
Explanation: Since both the grasshopper and the cricket reach the same maximum height and have the same mass (given in the question), their gravitational potential energies at the highest point will be equal. Therefore, statement D is false.

E) The grasshopper and the cricket have the same initial kinetic energy.
Explanation: The initial speed of both the grasshopper and the cricket is the same. Since kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass and the square of the velocity, and given that both objects have different masses, their initial kinetic energies will be different. Hence, statement E is false.

In summary:
- Statement A is false.
- Statement B is true.
- Statement C is true.
- Statement D is false.
- Statement E is false.