Evaluate |-37-22|-|-11|=4

To evaluate the expression |-37-22|-|-11|=4, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Evaluate |-37-22|
To evaluate |-37-22|, we simply subtract the two numbers and then take the absolute value of the result:
|-37-22| = |-59| = 59

Step 2: Evaluate |-11|
To evaluate |-11|, we take the absolute value of -11, which is simply 11.

Step 3: Substitute the values back into the expression
Substituting the values we found in steps 1 and 2 back into the original expression, we have:
59 - 11 = 4

Step 4: Simplify the expression
59 - 11 = 48, so the simplified expression becomes:
48 = 4

Step 5: Verify the result
Since 48 does not equal 4, we can conclude that the original equation is false.

Therefore, the evaluation of |-37-22|-|-11|=4 is false.