traveling 60 mi/h what is the speed in feet per second. How do you find this

60 mile * 5,280 feet = feet per hour

60 seconds * feet per hour = feet per second

where did the number 5280 come from.. and i figured it would be with you numbers 19008000 feet per seconds correct.

do it step by step

60 miles/1 hour
= 60(5280) feet/1 hour
= 316800 feet/60 minute
= 316800 feet/3600 seconds
= 88 feet/second

i am confused is it divid or times

Both * and () are symbols for multiplication.

BTW, a rough estimate to change mph to feet/sec

is to take half of the rate in miles and add it on .
i.e. multiply the mph rate by 1.5

reason: 1 mph = 1.4666 feet/sec

To find the speed in feet per second, you need to know that 1 mile is equal to 5,280 feet and 1 hour is equal to 3,600 seconds.

To convert 60 miles per hour (mi/h) to feet per second (ft/s), you can use the following steps:

Step 1: Convert miles to feet:
Since 1 mile is equal to 5,280 feet, you can multiply 60 (the given speed in mi/h) by 5,280 to get the number of feet per hour.

60 mi/h * 5280 ft/mi = 316,800 ft/h

Step 2: Convert hours to seconds:
Since 1 hour is equal to 3,600 seconds, you can divide the number of feet per hour by 3,600 to get the number of feet per second.

316,800 ft/h รท 3,600 s/h = 88 ft/s

Therefore, the speed of 60 miles per hour is equal to 88 feet per second.