I can't tell the difference between these two questions:

1) Electives I can take in high school that relate to my career goals, in addition to required courses which relate to most careers, are _______________.

2) School-to-Career electives that relate to my specific career goals are _____________________________.

Should I just put the same answer for both of them??

What answer would you put in each blank, even if it's the same in both?


I was going to put Nutrition, Accounting, Food Science, Psychology, Business Law, Intro to Business, BCIS.

It's an interesting array of courses, but if all of them relate to your career goals, then, yes -- they all fit.


No, you should not put the same answer for both questions, as they are subtly different and inquire about different aspects of your academic and career goals. Let's break down each question and identify their unique characteristics to come up with suitable answers:

1) In the first question, you are asked about electives in high school that relate to your career goals, in addition to the required courses that are generally beneficial for most careers. The emphasis here is on identifying elective courses that align with your career interests but also considering the broader set of courses that have relevance to many careers. To answer this question, you should think about elective courses that complement your specific career goals and also consider other courses that provide valuable knowledge or skills applicable to various career paths.

2) In the second question, you are specifically asked about "School-to-Career" electives that directly relate to your specific career goals. Here, the focus is on elective courses that specifically bridge the gap between your academic studies and your intended career. These electives are designed to provide you with practical knowledge and skills directly applicable to your desired profession. When answering this question, think about courses that are specifically tailored to your career field and provide hands-on experience or specialized training related to your career goals.

In summary, while both questions address elective courses related to your career goals, the first question allows for broader options considering general career relevance, while the second question is more specific, targeting specialized electives that directly connect your studies to your desired career. Hence, it is essential to consider the nuances of the questions and provide distinct answers based on the emphasis of each question.