I am having a difficult time comparing, contrasting, and explaining historical institutionalism and rational choice institutionalism for a paper because I do not understand these two theories at all. PLEASE HELP!! (wikipedia cannot be used as a source of information in my paper)

Please see my answer below.

No problem! I can assist you with understanding historical institutionalism and rational choice institutionalism.

1. Historical institutionalism:
Historical institutionalism emphasizes the importance of historical context and path dependency in shaping political and social institutions. It suggests that institutions are not simply the product of rational design or individual choices, but they evolve and persist over time due to historical circumstances. Patterns and legacies from the past play a significant role in shaping current institutional arrangements.

To understand historical institutionalism, you can begin by reading key academic articles and books on the topic. Some influential scholars in this field include Theda Skocpol, Kathleen Thelen, and Paul Pierson. Look for their publications and examine how they explain the core concepts and ideas behind historical institutionalism.

2. Rational choice institutionalism:
Rational choice institutionalism, also known as rational choice theory or new institutionalism, applies the rational choice framework to the study of institutions. It focuses on how individuals and actors make rational decisions based on their self-interest, preferences, and constraints within institutional settings.

To grasp rational choice institutionalism, you can start by studying foundational texts by scholars such as James March, Elinor Ostrom, and Douglass North. They provide insights into how individuals' rational decision-making processes interact with institutional factors to shape outcomes.

To compare and contrast the two theories effectively, here's a step-by-step approach:

1. Identify the key concepts and assumptions of both theories: Take note of the main ideas, core concepts, and underlying assumptions in historical institutionalism and rational choice institutionalism. This will help you understand their unique focus and perspective.

2. Analyze the role of historical context: Historical institutionalism emphasizes the importance of historical context, while rational choice institutionalism tends to overlook it. Compare how each theory explains the impact of history on institutions and decision-making.

3. Assess the role of agency and individual choice: Explore how historical institutionalism and rational choice institutionalism handle the concept of agency and individual decision-making. Historical institutionalism stresses the role of collective actors and slow processes, while rational choice institutionalism emphasizes individual rationality.

4. Evaluate the explanations of institutional change: Consider how each theory accounts for institutional change. Historical institutionalism suggests that change is gradual and shaped by historical legacies, while rational choice institutionalism emphasizes the role of actors in creating intentional change.

5. Consider empirical evidence: Look for case studies or empirical research that exemplify the application of historical institutionalism and rational choice institutionalism. Analyze how each theory explains and interprets real-world phenomena.

Remember, this explanation is just the beginning, and further research and reading will help you gain a deeper understanding of these theories. Good luck with your paper!