Can you please tell me what this is trying to say. I don't understand it. It's a paragraph out of a book. Its really confusing to me. Thank you for your help.

Sometimes she was hard and apparently without feeling at all; sometimes she was affectionate and rashly impulsive. And there was about her an amazing soft malice, hidden well away until provoked. Then she was capable of scratching and very effectively too. Or driver to anger, she would fight with a ferocity and impetuousness that disregarded or forgot any danger; superior strength, numbers, or other unfavorable circumstances. How savagely she had clawed those boys the day they had hooted her parent and sung a derisive rhyme, of their own composing, which pointed out certain eccentricities in his careening gait!

This seems to be a description of a person or character (female) who teeters back and forth between being a very difficult person and someone who can be quite loving. There seems to be more emphasis on her difficult nature here, though. These words and phrases indicate her "hard" side:

soft malice
ferocity and impetuousness
she had clawed

That is a descriptive paragraph of a certain aspect of a character. This could either be a "cat" or a "girl" with catlike qualities.

This paragraph seems to be describing the complex and contradictory nature of a person, particularly a female character. The author portrays her as having two different sides to her personality. At times, she appears tough and emotionless, while at other times, she is affectionate and impulsive.

Additionally, there is a sense of a hidden and dangerous side to her. The phrase "amazing soft malice" suggests that she has a subtle and cunning ability to cause harm when provoked. The paragraph further emphasizes her capability to scratch and physically defend herself when faced with anger or aggression.

An example is given of her scratching some boys who insulted her parent by composing a mocking rhyme about his unusual way of walking. This incident portrays her as someone who fiercely defends her loved ones and is willing to confront danger or overpowering opponents, disregarding any unfavorable circumstances.

Overall, the paragraph suggests that this character can switch between different emotional states, displaying both affection and aggression, and is not easily intimidated.

The paragraph is describing a person who has contrasting qualities and emotions. At times, she appears tough and indifferent, lacking empathy. Other times, she can be loving and impulsive without thinking. However, beneath her exterior, there is a hidden maliciousness that only emerges when provoked. When provoked, she is capable of scratching others effectively. Furthermore, if angered, she displays a fierce and impulsive nature, disregarding any potential danger, such as superior strength or unfavorable circumstances.

The paragraph also mentions a specific event where she clawed some boys who had taunted her parent and created a mocking rhyme about their peculiar way of walking.

To fully understand the paragraph, it may be helpful to consider the context around it and any previous information provided in the book that may explain this person's behavior and emotions.