A ratio scale is 1:10,000; this converts to a verbal scale of:

1 cm = _______ km

To convert the ratio scale of 1:10,000 to a verbal scale, we need to determine the relationship between 1 cm and km.

In a ratio scale, the first number represents the distance on the map or drawing, while the second number represents the actual distance in real life.

In this case, 1 cm on the map represents 10,000 of the same units in real life. Since we want to convert to kilometers, we need to determine how many kilometers are represented by 1 cm on the map.

Now, 1 kilometer is equal to 100,000 centimeters. So, we can set up a proportion to find our answer:

(1 cm on the map) / (10,000 units in real life) = (x km) / (100,000 cm)

Cross-multiplying and solving for x, we get:

x = (1 cm * 100,000 cm) / 10,000 units
x = 10 km

Therefore, the verbal scale would be: 1 cm = 10 km.