The Getsalt principle explains why the figures,$$$$AAA###, are perceived as three groups instead of nine separate figures.

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The Gestalt principle explains why the figures "$$$$AAA###" are perceived as three groups instead of nine separate figures. The Gestalt principle is a psychological concept that aims to explain how humans perceive and organize visual information.

To understand why we perceive these figures as three groups, we can apply the principle of proximity, one of the main principles of Gestalt psychology.

The principle of proximity states that objects that are close together tend to be perceived as a group. In this case, the figures "$$$$," "AAA," and "###" are each made up of four characters and are adjacent to each other. Because of their proximity, our brain tends to group them together as three separate entities rather than nine separate figures.

Our brain automatically organizes and groups visual elements based on various Gestalt principles like proximity, similarity, closure, etc., to simplify complex visual scenes into recognizable patterns. Understanding these principles can help us make sense of how we perceive and interpret visual information.