How would I go and express these numbers with 3 significant figures in normal notation?


for d and e aren't they already with 3 significant figures and also in normal notation?

for a, b, and c I can't figure out what to do since It isn't explained how to get 3 significant figures in normal notation though I usually use scientific notation when questions like this come up.

Count three places. Round to the third. I use round to the even number for a number ending in 5.

a. 15.1
b. 1440
c. 83,900
d and e are ok as is.

Thanks Dr.Bob =)

In measurement should contain only the numbers that are significant true or false?


What is 0,0000456 be in scientific notation.

To express numbers with three significant figures in normal notation, you should follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the significant figures in the given number. Significant figures are all the digits in a number except leading zeros (zeros before any nonzero digit) and trailing zeros (zeros at the end of a number after the decimal point).

2. Determine the rounding rule. If the first digit after the desired significant figures is 5 or greater, round up the last significant figure. If the first digit after the desired significant figures is less than 5, you can simply drop the remaining digits.

Now let's apply these steps to each of the given numbers:

a) 15.08: The significant figures are all the digits, so no rounding is required. Thus, expressing it with three significant figures in normal notation would be 15.1.

b) 1444: This number has four significant figures. To express it with three significant figures, we have to round it. The first digit after the desired significant figures is 4, which is less than 5. Therefore, rounding down gives us 1440.

c) 83,909: This number has five significant figures. After rounding to three significant figures, we get 84,000.

d) 0.524: You're correct! This number already has three significant figures and is already expressed in normal notation.

e) 0.0254: You're correct again! This number also has three significant figures and is already expressed in normal notation.

Remember, for numbers expressed in scientific notation, the process may be slightly different. But for numbers in normal notation, these steps should help you express them with the desired number of significant figures.