An airplane flies from New Orleans to Atlanta at a rate of 320mph. The airplane then returns at a rate of 280mph. The total travel time is 3 hours. What is the flying time from New Orleans to Atlanta?

2 hours 37 min and 30sec because 280*3=840 and 840/320=2.625

0.625*60=37.5 that's the time in min the .5 is 30 sec
so its 2 hours 37 min and 30 sec hope this helps

The distance either way is the same, let the distance be x miles

so , since Time = Distance/Rate

x/320 + x/280 = 3
solve to get x = 448 miles

so time for first flight = 448/320 hrs
= 1.4 hrs or 1 hour and 24 minutes

first flight = 448/320 = 1.4
second flight= 448/280 = 1.6
total time = 3 hrs.

To determine the flying time from New Orleans to Atlanta, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's assume that the flying time from New Orleans to Atlanta is "x" hours. Therefore, the flying time from Atlanta to New Orleans will also be "x" hours.

Given that the speed from New Orleans to Atlanta is 320 mph, we can write the equation:

320x = Distance

Next, we can calculate the distance from New Orleans to Atlanta by multiplying the flying time (x) by the speed (320mph):

Distance = 320x

Similarly, we can calculate the distance from Atlanta to New Orleans using the flying time (x) and the speed (280mph):

Distance = 280x

Since the total travel time is 3 hours, the sum of the flying time from New Orleans to Atlanta and the flying time from Atlanta to New Orleans is equal to 3:

x + x = 3

Simplifying the equation:

2x = 3

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 3/2

Therefore, the flying time from New Orleans to Atlanta is 3/2 hours, or 1.5 hours.