I have a current events assignment in psychology and i was wondering if anyone could provide me or suggest any good resources for current events or news that's related to psychology..they have to be current though such as something around the end of last week or this week

There are several good articles here, including a couple reports that look at the psychology of the "balloon" boy's parents.


If you look at


You can narrow your search by the date. Look at the links on the left after you do your search.

To find current events or news related to psychology, you can follow these steps:

1. Use a search engine: Start by using a search engine like Google or Bing to search for "current events psychology" or "psychology news." You will find a variety of websites that provide up-to-date information on psychology-related topics.

2. Check reputable news websites: Websites like BBC News, CNN, The New York Times, The Guardian, and Psychology Today often have sections dedicated to psychology news. Browse through these websites and use their search functions to find articles on recent events or developments in the field.

3. Visit psychology association websites: Professional psychology associations like the American Psychological Association (APA), British Psychological Society (BPS), and the Australian Psychological Society (APS) typically have resources on their websites that cover current events and news. These organizations often publish journals and magazines with articles on the latest research and findings.

4. Utilize social media: Follow psychology-related pages, groups, or accounts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Many organizations and experts in the field share news articles, studies, and announcements that can help you stay up to date.

5. Subscribe to psychology news platforms: Consider subscribing to newsletters or email updates from platforms that specialize in psychology news, such as "PsychCentral" or "ScienceDaily." These sources often compile and summarize recent research studies and news articles.

Remember, when using online sources, it's important to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of the information before using it for your assignment.