(-3)^3-9 then there is a line and under the line is 6/2*3-1 please help a, 0, b2 1/4 cunndefined,d -4 1/2

So you are dealing with a fraction ?

The numerator is (-3)^3-9 = -27-9 = -36
the denominator is 6/8 - 1 = -1/4

so the value is =36 ÷ (-1/4)
= -36(-4) = 144

check the way you typed the question.

I guess its a fraction sorry about typing these are the answers to chose from A)=0, B)= 2 1/4 C) undefined, D) -4 1/2 problem (-3)^3-9 then there is a line and under the line is 6/2*3-1

Ok, looking at the denominator again, ...

6/2*3-1 = 3*3-1 = 9-1 = 8

so we have -36/8 = -4 1/2
which is your choice d)

thank you so much!

To solve the expression (-3)^3 - 9, follow the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction). Let's break it down step by step:

1. Evaluate the exponent:
(-3)^3 = (-3) * (-3) * (-3) = -27

2. Subtract 9:
-27 - 9 = -36

Therefore, the expression (-3)^3 - 9 evaluates to -36.

Moving on to the second expression:

To solve 6/2 * 3 - 1, again apply PEMDAS:

1. Perform the multiplication and division from left to right:
6/2 * 3 = 3 * 3 = 9

2. Subtract 1:
9 - 1 = 8

Therefore, the expression 6/2 * 3 - 1 evaluates to 8.

I'm not sure what you meant by "a, 0, b2 1/4 cunndefined, d -4 1/2." Could you please clarify?