How would you use a number line to round 148 to the nearest ten?

Look at the number line. You'll find 148 between 140 and 150. Isn't 148 closer to 150?

To use a number line to round 148 to the nearest ten, you would first locate the position of the number 148 on the number line. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Draw a number line with the tens place values marked. Start from zero (0) and label each interval with the consecutive tens numbers, such as 10, 20, 30, and so on.

Step 2: Find the position of 148 on the number line. In this case, you'd look for the number 148 between 140 and 150.

Step 3: Determine which of the two tens numbers (140 or 150) is closer to 148 on the number line.

Step 4: In this case, 148 is closer to 150 than to 140. So, rounding 148 to the nearest ten would make it 150.

Using a number line allows you to visualize the positioning of a number in relation to the nearest ten, making it easier to determine rounding.

I agree with Mrs.Sue.
