What are two ways to open a document?

What are two ways to create a new document in Word?

What are two ways to save a document?

Does BCIS stand for anything particular?

im not sure of the exact meaning, its a computer class.

a. One can click on an icon, or click on the file name in the open file dialoge

b. File>new or click on the new document icon in the toolbar.
c. let it autosave then close. File>save as>

To open a document in most software applications, such as Microsoft Word, there are typically two main ways:

1. Menu Bar: Look for the "File" menu at the top left corner of the application window. Click on it, and a drop-down menu will appear. From there, you can navigate to the "Open" option and select it. This will usually open a dialog box that allows you to browse and select the document you want to open.

2. Keyboard Shortcut: Press the "Ctrl" key (or the "Cmd" key on a Mac) along with the letter "O" key. This is a common keyboard shortcut to open a document. By pressing the combination of these keys together, you should be able to trigger the document opening functionality.

To create a new document specifically in Microsoft Word, here are two common methods:

1. Blank Document: Upon launching Word, you are usually presented with a blank document by default. This is the simplest way to create a new document. You can start typing or formatting the document as needed.

2. Menu Bar: Again, locate the "File" menu at the top left corner of the application window, click on it, and choose the "New" option. This will often display various document templates or options to select from, such as a blank document, a resume template, or a business letter template. Select the preferred option, and a new document based on that template will be created.

To save a document, Microsoft Word also offers multiple options:

1. Menu Bar: Look for the "File" menu at the top left corner of the application window, and click on it. From the drop-down menu, choose the "Save" option. This will typically save the document under its current name and location.

2. Keyboard Shortcut: Press the "Ctrl" key (or the "Cmd" key on a Mac) along with the letter "S" key. This is a commonly used keyboard shortcut for saving documents. By using this combination of keys, you trigger the save functionality.

Additionally, you can consider using the "Save As" option to save the document with a different name or in a different location. This option is available within the "File" menu and allows you to specify the desired file name and location before saving the document.