it's a quote u have 2 explain it in two paragraphs "when 2 friends are arguing right next two you it is best to be friend with your self"

so you can't

If you "pick sides" and choose one friend, you will lose the other. If you want to keep both friends, it is best to not interfere! That would make you your own friend but still their friend.


The quote "when 2 friends are arguing right next to you, it is best to be friends with yourself" emphasizes the importance of maintaining inner peace and not getting entangled in the conflicts of others. To understand its meaning, let's break it down into two paragraphs:

In any argument or disagreement, emotions often run high, and it can be tempting to take sides or involve yourself in the dispute as a peacemaker. However, the quote suggests that it may be wiser to prioritize your own well-being by focusing on maintaining a positive and peaceful relationship with yourself. By doing so, you distance yourself from the negativity and drama surrounding the argument, allowing you to remain composed and centered. This approach acknowledges that not every dispute needs your intervention and that being friends with yourself means accepting that you cannot control or resolve every conflict between others.

Furthermore, the quote highlights the importance of self-care and self-preservation. It suggests that when two friends argue in your presence, it is an opportunity to prioritize self-reflection, personal growth, and introspection. Rather than becoming embroiled in someone else's conflict, being friends with yourself entails dedicating time and energy to building a stronger sense of self, cultivating self-love, and understanding your own values and beliefs. By focusing on yourself during such situations, you can use the tension as a reminder to prioritize personal growth and emotional well-being, thereby avoiding unnecessary involvement and potential harm to your own mental and emotional state.