

This one doesn't get much simpler. You might consider that 1/16t^2 is simpler than 1/(4t)^2, or you might not.

I do not understand your reasoninging what is the answer and how did you get it?

To simplify the given expression, we need to apply the rules of exponents. Let's break it down step-by-step.

The first term in the expression is 4s^(-2). To simplify this, we can use the rule that says if we have a number raised to a negative exponent, we can move it to the denominator and change the exponent to positive. Applying this rule, 4s^(-2) becomes 4/(s^2).

The second term is (4t)^(-2). Similarly, we can apply the same rule for negative exponents. Since the entire expression (4t) is raised to the -2 exponent, we have to square both 4 and t. Expanding this, we get 16t^(-2).

Now that we have simplified both terms, let's rewrite the expression without negative exponents:
4/(s^2) - 16/(t^2)

This is the simplified expression.