
Can somebody please help?

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Of course! Let's solve the equation step by step.

The given equation is: -5 + 15n - 20 - 12 = 13.

First, let's simplify both sides of the equation by combining like terms:
-5 - 20 -12 + 15n = 13.
-37 + 15n = 13.

Next, let's isolate the variable term by moving -37 to the right side of the equation. Since we want to isolate n, we need to perform the opposite operation of subtraction by adding 37 to both sides:
-37 + 37 + 15n = 13 + 37.
15n = 50.

Finally, we can solve for n by dividing both sides of the equation by 15:
(15n)/15 = 50/15.
n = 10/3.

Therefore, the solution to the equation is n = 10/3 or approximately 3.33.