Hey guys,

i need some ideas for my art work. but firstly i need a phrase or message to work from. im thinking about technology right now so can you guys give me ideas on finishing the following sentence:

technology is...

if you have any other ideas on phrases or messages feel free to let me know, it doesnt't just have to be about technology, it can be anything!


Technology is not "anti-art".

Then you might take some artists who use technology to create art, or some art that is based on machinery or science. I think that might be interesting.

Certainly! Here are a few ideas to finish the sentence "technology is...":

1. Technology is a double-edged sword, bringing both convenience and complexity to our lives.
To explore this idea, you could create an artwork that depicts the pros and cons of technology, or show the contrast between the benefits and challenges it presents.

2. Technology is the bridge that connects us in a global village.
In this case, you could represent how technology has made the world more interconnected, breaking down barriers of distance and facilitating communication between cultures.

3. Technology is shaping the future of humanity.
Here, you can focus on how technological advancements like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, or biotechnology are transforming our lives and what implications this may have for our future.

Remember, art is subjective, and these are just starting points. You can further elaborate on these ideas or come up with your own concepts. It's always best to choose a message that resonates with you and aligns with your artistic vision.

If you are looking for more inspiration, you can also try brainstorming by researching technological advancements, discussing your ideas with friends or fellow artists, or even taking walks in nature to stimulate your creativity. Ultimately, the key is to find a message or phrase that you connect with, as it will give your artwork a deeper meaning and purpose.