How do you punctuate the sentence below,

Did Mr. Benson say your reports are due next week?

I don't think you have to punctuate this, it seems fine because it's a sentence with a question.

Also, you put a period after Mr. which is correct. Good work.

To punctuate the sentence "Did Mr. Benson say your reports are due next week?", follow these steps:

1. Start with a capital letter: "Did"
2. Use a question mark at the end of the sentence: "?"
3. Capitalize the title "Mr.": "Did Mr. Benson"
4. Use a period after the abbreviation for "Mr." followed by a space: "Mr. "
5. Start the next word with a capital letter: "Mr. Benson S"
6. Continue the rest of the sentence as it is: "Did Mr. Benson say your reports are due next week?"

The correctly punctuated sentence is: "Did Mr. Benson say your reports are due next week?"