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There were several important explorers of this region.

I suggest you look them up. You can also look up the history of each of the central Midwest states for other events.

To find 10 important history facts that happened in the Central Midwest region, you can consult various sources such as history books, articles, and websites that focus on the history of this specific region. Here are ten notable historical events in the Central Midwest:

1. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803: The acquisition of the vast territory from France by the United States, which included parts of the Central Midwest region.

2. The Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806): Commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored the Central Midwest, mapping and documenting the region.

3. The Indian Removal Act (1830): This controversial legislation resulted in the forced relocation of Native American tribes, including those in the Central Midwest, from their ancestral lands to reservations in the west.

4. The Missouri Compromise (1820): This legislative agreement determined how new states would be admitted to the Union and temporarily eased tensions between slave and free states in the Central Midwest region.

5. The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854): This act repealed the Missouri Compromise and allowed the residents of the Kansas and Nebraska territories to decide whether to allow slavery, leading to violent clashes known as "Bleeding Kansas."

6. The Dred Scott Case (1857): In this landmark Supreme Court case, Dred Scott, an enslaved person living in the Central Midwest, sued for his freedom, but the court ruled that enslaved Africans and their descendants were not U.S. citizens and could not sue in federal court.

7. The Battle of Gettysburg (1863): Although not within the Central Midwest itself, many soldiers from the Central Midwest fought in this decisive battle during the American Civil War, having a significant impact on the region.

8. The Homestead Act (1862): This act encouraged settlement in the Central Midwest by granting 160 acres of public land to those willing to develop it for at least five years, leading to a significant influx of settlers.

9. The Great Chicago Fire (1871): The central Midwest city of Chicago experienced a massive fire that caused widespread destruction and led to improvements in city planning and fire safety.

10. The Women's Suffrage Movement: The Central Midwest played a crucial role in the fight for women's right to vote, with states like Kansas and Illinois granting women suffrage before the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.

Remember that these are just a few examples, and there are many more significant events and historical moments that have shaped the Central Midwest region.