Another one.

I get real confused with all this
Multiply, Simplify if possible
3x^3/11q^3 * 121q^6/9x
the answer I got was
can you please show me how if it is wrong

Your answer is absolutely right, but just not yet simplified.

You should see that you can divide by 3 top and bottom. That reduces the constants to 121 and 33.

Now look at the x and q terms without the constants:


Can you divide top and bottom by x? By q? By q again?

so it is



When you get confused because there are just too many letters and numbers, try to isolate them and look at one at a time. The secret of success is getting used to being confused. :-)

Thank you

You're welcome.

I was wondering is this right by factoring here is a example of what I am learning

x^2-5x-24/x^2-6x+9 * x-3/x-8
the answer that they got was
I am so confused because there are two examples and I am not sure what is right

x^2-5x-24 = (x-8)(x+3)

x^2-6x+9 = (x-3)(x-3)

Make sure you understand these two first!

Factoting x^2 + ax + b, you look for two numbers that ADD to a, but MULTIPLY to b. So in the first case, 6*4 = 24, but they don't add to 5, no matter where I put the minus. But -8 * 3 and -8 + 3 give me the answer I want.

I don't get the answer you give for the whole expression. Are the brackets in the right place?

Ah. I see. I was reading it differently.

(x^2-5x-24) (x-3)
--------- * ------
(x^2-6x+9) (x-8)

= ((x-8)(x+3)(x-3))/((x-3)(x-3)(x-8))

x-8 and x-3 cancel top and bottom, and leave you with:


To multiply the given terms, you need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Multiply the coefficients (numbers) together.
In this case, multiply 3 and 121 to get 363.

Step 2: Multiply the variables with the same base (x's and q's) together.
For the x-variables, multiply the exponents together: x^3 * x = x^(3+1) = x^4.
For the q-variables, multiply the exponents together: q^3 * q^6 = q^(3+6) = q^9.

Step 3: Simplify if possible.
In this case, you can simplify the coefficient: 363/99 = 121/33.

Overall, the correct answer is:

So, your initial answer was incorrect.