I have to list three federal governemtn strategies for uniting citizens and gaining citizen support for World War I. I have the Peace Movement, but am not sure what else they are wanting. Could you please help me.

Did the federal government use the Peace Movement for support for the war?

What about the sinking of the Lusitania? What about helping our friends the British?

What else can you find in your book?

That was in the first part of our assignment...so I'm not sure that is what he was thinking of. The questions I am supposed to answer after my bullets are...

What do you think about the federal government strategies?

Did they benefit society, hurt society, or both?

Should I use the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act?

Certainly! To help you identify three federal government strategies for uniting citizens and gaining citizen support for World War I, we can start by considering the broader context of the time period and the goals of the government.

1. Propaganda Campaigns: The federal government launched extensive propaganda campaigns during World War I to shape public opinion and garner support for the war effort. The aim was to promote patriotism, demonize the enemy, and rally citizens behind the cause. The Committee on Public Information (CPI), headed by journalist George Creel, played a prominent role in spreading propaganda through various avenues such as posters, pamphlets, speeches, and even films.

To gather additional information on this strategy, you can research specific examples of World War I propaganda materials, examine the role of the CPI, and explore how different forms of media were utilized to sway public opinion.

2. War Bonds/Financing the War: Another approach used by the federal government was the issuance of war bonds to finance the war effort. These bonds were essentially loans taken by citizens from the government, which citizens would repay at a later date with interest. The purchase of war bonds not only provided essential funds for the war but also fostered a sense of financial investment and collective sacrifice among citizens.

To delve deeper into this strategy, you can explore how the government encouraged citizens to buy war bonds through various initiatives such as patriotic appeals, advertising, and propaganda efforts. You may also examine the impact of these bonds on financing the war and the overall sentiment of unity they were intended to generate.

3. Conscription/Selective Service: The third strategy employed by the federal government was the introduction of conscription or selective service. In 1917, as the need for troops increased, the United States passed the Selective Service Act, which mandated the military draft. This act required all men aged 21 to 30 (later expanded to 18-45) to register for potential military service. The introduction of conscription helped ensure a steady supply of soldiers and fostered a sense of collective duty and responsibility among citizens.

To further explore this strategy, you can research the implementation of the Selective Service Act, its impact on mobilizing manpower for the war, and the public response to the draft.

By examining these federal government strategies, you should be able to provide a comprehensive answer to your question and gain a deeper understanding of how the government sought to unite citizens and gain support during World War I.