An encyclopedia on CD-ROM would be most appropriate for a typical

A two-year-old-child

B three-year-old-child

C four-year-old-child

D eight-year-old-child

To determine which option is most appropriate, we need to consider the age and developmental stage of the child. CD-ROM encyclopedias are primarily designed for older children who are capable of reading and understanding the information presented.

A two-year-old child is typically too young to benefit from an encyclopedia on CD-ROM as they are still in the early stages of language acquisition and may not have developed the necessary cognitive skills to comprehend the content.

A three-year-old child is also unlikely to benefit from a CD-ROM encyclopedia, as they are still in the early stages of cognitive development and may struggle with the complex language and concepts presented in an encyclopedia.

A four-year-old child may have enhanced language and cognitive abilities compared to younger children, but they may still find a CD-ROM encyclopedia too advanced and challenging for their understanding.

An eight-year-old child, on the other hand, is more likely to have sufficient reading and comprehension skills to benefit from a CD-ROM encyclopedia. They are typically at an age where they are starting to learn about various subjects and can understand simple text and concepts.

Therefore, the most appropriate option for a typical child would be D) eight-year-old child. However, it is important to consider the individual child's abilities and interests when selecting educational resources.