1. Subtract7/9-(-13/18)=3/2?

2. divide -12/0= indeterminate form?

3. Perform the indicated operation this problem looks like a fraction 11-6/7-7=5/0 or undefined?

1. To subtract fractions, you need to find a common denominator. The common denominator for 9 and 18 is 18.

First, let's convert the fractions to have a denominator of 18:
7/9 = 14/18
-13/18 = -13/18

Now, we can subtract them:
14/18 - (-13/18) = 14/18 + 13/18 = 27/18

To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 9:
27/18 = 3/2

Therefore, the answer is 3/2.

2. Division by zero is undefined because it violates the basic rules of arithmetic. In mathematics, division is defined as the inverse operation of multiplication, and since there is no number that, when multiplied by 0, gives a non-zero result, division by zero does not have a unique solution. Therefore, the expression -12/0 is said to be in indeterminate form.

3. Let's perform the indicated operation step by step:

11 - 6/7 - 7

We need to start with the division first:
6/7 = 0.85714 (approximated to five decimal places)

Now, substitute the value back in the expression:

11 - 0.85714 - 7 ≈ 11 - 0.85714 - 7 ≈ 2.14286 - 7 ≈ -4.85714

Therefore, the result of the operation is approximately -4.85714. The expression is not equal to 5/0 or undefined.