I am writing an essay where I am supposed to write sentences that demonstrate "series of three" using parallel structure.

What is that?

Here are some examples:

For breakfast this morning, I ate scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast.

Janie, Sam, and Mariah are my closest friends.

My favorite activities are swimming, skiing, and bicycling.

This type of assignment is to get you to understand parallel structure:


this doesnt answer it

the link is fake

I apologize for not fully addressing your question. "Series of three" refers to the practice of using parallel structure to present a list of three items or ideas in a sentence or paragraph. Parallel structure means that each item in the series is presented in a consistent grammatical form or pattern.

In order to demonstrate a series of three using parallel structure, ensure that each item in the series is written in the same grammatical form. This could include using the same verb tense, using the same type of word (e.g., noun, adjective, verb), or using the same sentence structure.

For example, in the sentence "I enjoy hiking, swimming, and biking," each item in the series ("hiking," "swimming," and "biking") is a gerund (a verb form used as a noun) ending in -ing. This creates parallel structure.

Here are some additional examples of sentences that demonstrate a series of three using parallel structure:

- She is intelligent, confident, and ambitious.
- The cat played with a ball, chased a mouse, and pounced on a feather.
- The movie was funny, entertaining, and thought-provoking.

To learn more about parallel structure and how to use it effectively in your writing, you can visit the following resource: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/parallelism.htm.