The answer for (7+5i)+(-4+2i) is 3+7i. But I got -38-6i. I combined -28 and 10i^2 to get -38, and I combined -20i and 14i to get -6il So all together this was -28+-6i+-10, which resulted in -38-6i. Could you please tell me where I went wrong?


The answer is for an addition.
You did a multiplication. Hope that explains it.

(7+5i) + (-4+2i)=> 7+5i-4+2i :.

7-4+5i+2i = 3 + 7i

Exactly! :)

Certainly! It seems like you made a small error while combining the terms. Let's break it down step by step:

Given expression: (7 + 5i) + (-4 + 2i)

Step 1: Distribute the negatives in the second term:
= 7 + 5i - 4 - 2i

Step 2: Combine like terms:
= (7 - 4) + (5i - 2i)
= 3 + 3i

So the correct answer is 3 + 3i, not 3 + 7i. The mistake occurred when you combined the imaginary terms. You combined them as -20i + 14i and obtained -6iI instead of -20i + 14i which should be -6i.

Remember, the imaginary unit i is defined as the square root of -1, so i^2 is actually equal to -1. Therefore, there's no need to include i^2 in the calculation since it will cancel out.

I hope this clears up the confusion!